FHCi By-Laws

Free and Healthy Children International


Contents                                                                                                                       Page

Chapter one: mission and purpose  1

Chapter two: patronship and structure  2

Chapter three: FHCi Board  3

Chapter four: appointment processes for Board Members  7

Chapter five: meetings  8

Chapter six: committees  8

Chapter seven: funds, dues, assessments, and service remuneration. 9

Chapter eight: powers and duties  11

Chapter nine: rules of order  11

Chapter ten: research, data collection, and analysis  11

Chapter eleven: promotion of access to HPx Programs and Homeopathic Protocols – education and international outreach  14

Chapter one: mission and purpose

This Organization shall be Free and Healthy Children International (FHCi), hereafter referred to as the “Organization.” We shall be known by no other legal name. This Organization shall be not-for-profit for charitable, educational, and research activities. We are governed by the statutes and regulations of the state of Minnesota not-for-profit organizations and federal laws supervising registered 501(c)3 non-profit organizations. FHCi is dedicated to research, education, and public access to Homeoprophylaxis (HPx) and Homeopathic Protocols.

Free and Healthy Children International (FHCi):

Our mission and objectives include

  1. overseeing the collection and analysis of data measuring the effectiveness of Homeoprophylaxis as it affects long-term health and
  2. research into Homeoprophylaxis and Homeopathic protocols aimed at protecting children’s and adult immune systems, educating parents, caregivers, and health practitioners about healthy immune system function and maturation, and ensuring a mechanism of access to the homeopathic remedies needed to fulfill these objectives.

The above will be termed “FHCi Work.”

FHCi works include research, education, and access to Homeoprophylaxis (HPx) and Homeopathic Protocols designed for Patrons of FHCi.

FHCi operates on a model of benevolence and service towards Patrons and the Board by working within the honor system of individual responsibility and integrity towards the mission and financial obligations described in these bylaws.

Chapter two: patronship and structure

FHCi is a public charity open to all. All who complete the Patron agreement with accompanying donation will gain access to an independent Patron Portal through which access to HPx Practitioners, HPx Programs, and HPx Program Research data is stored. 

FHCi welcomes Patrons who are invested in HPx for the health of their families and children.

2.1 Patronship is open to:

Certified HPx Practitioners:  HPx Practitioners who are practicing homeopaths and other practitioners with the minimum homeopathic education declared sufficient to be certified in HPx, who are residents of the USA, Canada, and international countries, will automatically maintain patronship with FHCi through their partitioner dues.

Certified Associate Practitioners: HPx Practitioners who are practicing homeopaths and other practitioners with the minimum homeopathic education declared sufficient to be certified in HPx, who are residents of the USA, Canada, and international countries will automatically maintain patronship with FHCi through their practitioner dues.

General Patrons: General Patronship is open to anyone whose consciousness aligns with the FHCi mission statement and is willing to serve and further the development of FHCi, either in a voluntary or a paid position. A General Patron may be recruited from the existing FHCi Patron pool or the public and must be approved by application and a board vote.

FHCi Patrons: An FHCi Patron is an individual or family supporting the Organization’s work and desiring access to HPx programs. Upon donation and accepting the FHCi Patron Agreement, they can access the Patron Portal, HPx Practitioners, and HPx or homeopathic protocols via informed consent.

2.2: FHCi structure: is established such that:

  1. Its Board of Directors governs FHCi.
  2. FHCi develops and researches HPx Programs and Homeopathic Protocols.
  3. FHCi shall oversee and develop certification programs and ethics in research courses.
  4. d)      FHCi will draw from and analyze data on the use and efficacy of HPx Nosode administration collected from affiliate platforms.
  5. FHCi will register and review Adverse Events relating to FHCi’s research.

2.3: Patronship to FHCi: By registering and donating to FHCi, your patronship gives you access to HPx Practitioners and ongoing educational opportunities. Access to HPx is facilitated through a private agreement FHCi holds with the pharmacy that provides remedy kits. Finally, participation in HPx programs includes data collection for research purposes. FHCi continues to monitor the safety, effectiveness, and efficacy of HPx through ongoing research. As an FHCi Patron, you can access the Patron Portal, where all dosing records can be registered.

2.4 FHCi Patronship Benefits include:

  1. Public and practitioner educational programs
  2. Access to HPx Practitioners, HPx Programs, and Homeopathic protocols.
  3. Paid or volunteer positions on committees, projects, or research in HPx Programs and Homeopathic Protocols.
  4. Potential to serve on the Board of FHCi.
  5. Financial investment in a holistic paradigm that encourages happy, healthy children and families.
  6. Subscription to FHCi Patron Newsletters.
  7. Access to the FHCi Annual report and FHCi Bylaws.
  8. The opportunity to participate in strategic planning meetings.
  9. The opportunity to participate in community gatherings, social media groups (Public or Private), educational activities, or symposiums to connect and relate with other Patron Members to share and discuss the use and experiences of HPx.
  10. Invitation to participate in FHCi research.
  11. Right to report and review Adverse Events above and beyond normal immunological stimulation expected from the use of HPx Nosodes.
  12. FHCi requests access to  non-PHI (non- Personal Health Information) from the Patron Portal for research purposes which FHCi may review for any research activity. FHCi guarantees that all non-PHI will remain a confidential holding of FHCi.
  13. Patronship FHCi will remain intact unless the Patron submits in writing their desire to withdraw Patronship, or it has been demonstrated there has been misuse of the Patron Portal or a violation of Patronship agreements.

For complete bylaws read below